Apply for Membership in Five Easy Steps
To become a member of a La Puerta de Oro-San Francisco Chapter, NSDAR, a proud chapter of a women’s service organization, whose patriot ancestors made possible our American independence, you just need to prove eligibility. Start by following these five easy steps:
1. Contact us, the La Puerta de Oro–San Francisco Chapter, NSDAR.
2. Attend a La Puerta de Oro–San Francisco Chapter, NSDAR meeting, membership tea, or lineage workshop.
3. Obtain a DAR application worksheet and genealogy information from the La Puerta de Oro ~ San Francisco Chapter Membership Committee to help you to complete your application properly.
4. Find the records to document your lineal decent to an American Revolutionary war ancestor.
5. Complete the formal application process for membership with the La Puerta de Oro–San Francisco Chapter, NSDAR.
Our Lineage Committee, Membership Committee, and registrar will be happy to help you with the application process.
LPDOSF mebers at Filoli, Apr 2021. Photo Courtesy: Annette Litle
Visit the DAR Website
Visit the CCSDAR Website
Contact us! Individual help is available to you on a one-on-one basis by appointment with members of our Lineage Research Committee.
Are you a Junior Member prospect, aged eighteen to thirty-five? Our Junior Membership Chair will be happy to answer any questions.